19 January 2011

Can't sleep? Go to church. - In Bratislava.

You are, at this moment, standing, right in the middle of your own 'acres of diamonds

(Earl Nightingale)

(Bratislava, Slovakia. 09/2009)

Leaves All Over

The greatest gift of the garden is the restoration of the five senses.

(Hanna Rion)

(Schönbrunn Palace, Vienna, Austria. 09/2009)


I brought children into this dark world because it needed the light that only a child can bring.

(Liz Armbruster)

(Hamburg, Germany. 06/2010)

Waves Are Coming In

There's a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot.

(Steven Wright)

(Corpus Christi, Texas. 11/2010)

18 January 2011

I'm going churching tonight.

I often think that the night is more alive and more richly colored than the day.

(Vincent Van Gogh)

(Sebnitz, Germany. 12/2010)

Wall of Love

There is no black-and-white situation. It's all part of life. Highs, lows, middles.

(Van Morrison)

(Hamburg, Germany. 06/2010)

13 January 2011

Snow All Over

Trees are your best antiques

(Alexander Smith)

(Sebnitz, Germany. 12/2010)

Circle In The Sand

We all leave footprints in the sand, the question is, will we be a big heal, or a great soul.

(unknown source)

(Corpus Christi, Texas. 11/2010)

Train Approaching

I think in metaphysical terms, I would call that increasing the speed of the vibration of life.

(Neale Donald Walsch)

(Hamburg, Germany. 06/2010)

The Tunnel

There's something strange and powerful about black-and-white imagery.

(Stefan Kanfer)

(Schönbrunn Palace, Vienna, Austria. 09/2009)

Can you see the light at the end of the... bridge?

Life is a bridge over the sea of changes. Do not build a house on it.

(Sri Sathya Sai Baba)

(Corpus Christi, Texas. 11/2010)

We Made It To The Top

In seed time learn, in harvest teach, in winter enjoy

(William Blake)

(Walhalla Temple, Regensburg, Germany. 12/2010)

Up the Staircase

An architect is the drawer of dreams.

(Grace McGravie)

(Schönbrunn Palace, Vienna, Austria. 09/2009)